Understanding Cocolia's strengths, weaknesses, and moveset is essential in defeating her. Cocolia is weak to Quantum, Fire, and Lightning elements, so having characters with these elements can give you an advantage during the fight. Additionally, be aware of her resistance to Physical, Wind, and Ice characters and her immunity to Frozen and Imprisonment effects.
Assemble Your Team
Choosing the right characters can be crucial in defeating Cocolia. Include at least one character with Fire, Lightning, or Quantum elements, such as Himeko, Fire Trailblazer, or Asta. Also, consider having a healer like Bailu or Natasha to keep your team alive during the fierce battle. It's not recommended to use March 7 due to her weak Ultimate and normal attacks against Cocolia.
Focus on Story Mode
In the story mode, players will initially face a weaker version of Cocolia. Use this opportunity to test your team setup and strategy. The Echo version of Cocolia is significantly weaker, with lower attacks and less HP pool, making this a good practice for the actual fight. Although it's preferable to have a well-invested character, you can still defeat her with F2P characters by focusing on her elemental weaknesses and utilizing a good healer.
Engage in the Real Battle
After defeating the Echo version, you will be directed to the real fight with Cocolia, Mother of Deception. Fire Trailblazer will be required, but a trial version is available for use. Stick to characters with Fire, Lightning, or Quantum elements for maximum damage. Utilize the Engine of Creation mechanic to deal huge damage, break her toughness, and defeat her summons. Also, use Fire Trailblazer's Skill to taunt Cocolia and provide shields to your characters.
Master Cocolia's Moveset
To increase your chances of victory, familiarize yourself with Cocolia's moveset. In the first phase, she summons ice lances that disable her weaknesses. Use the Engine of Creation to destroy the lances and expose her vulnerabilities. In the second phase, keep an eye on her powerful AoE attack that can one-shot team members. Time your weakness break carefully to prevent massive damage, or use shields and healing to mitigate the impact.
Challenge Cocolia in Echoes Of War
Upon completing the chapter, players can unlock the Echoes Of War gameplay mechanic, where they can fight Cocolia thrice a week for valuable rewards. The moveset remains the same as in story mode, but the Echo version is skipped, and Engine of Creation is available from the start. Fire Trailblazer is still recommended but not mandatory.
By following this guide and its steps, you will be well-prepared to face and defeat Cocolia in both the story mode and Echoes Of War. Remember always to adapt your tactics and keep experimenting with different characters and strategies for the best results. Good luck, and may you emerge victorious in your battle against Cocolia!