Netflix Revealed Profile Transfer Feature

  • 18-10-2022 |
  • Amelia Bradford

The feature recently released by Netflix is called Profile Transfer, and it allows users to transfer their favorite shows from one account to another. You can still save your preferences even after your parents or ex kicked you out of the joint account. While the whole process may be painful for you, Netflix is there to cheer you up with your beloved entertainment.

After several months of testing, Netflix proclaimed they are ready to show Profile Transfer to the world. For now, there will be only a few countries on the list, but once the system proves to be working, they will spread it further. The new feature saves your history of views, My List, personal recommendations, games, and even customized settings. It brings all of that to the new account you’ve created.

No matter whether you were kicked out from the common account you’ve used or you blocked other users, you still can start from a fresh beginning. Netflix will save you from awkward calls to the ones who kicked you from your account. The company saves all your interests, so don’t worry. Yet, there may be the other, darker reason for Netflix to be all that caring. The truth is Netflix is trying to separate users one from another and earn more money from personal accounts. The company does it for some time since their latest data showed that over 100 million households use share accounts. Just imagine how much money Netflix could have for the separate accounts!

No matter what, Profile Transfer is already there. You need to indicate your name and email to receive your own settings for the new account. It does not take much time after you verify your identity.

What do you think about the new feature? Are you ready to separate your family accounts? Express your thoughts about it in the comments below.