Gacha Cute review

Anime fans, your search for an intriguing role-playing game is over with the launch of Gacha Cute! Developed by the creative duo Joo and Akemi Natsuky, this game is a modified version of the popular Gacha Club. What makes Gacha Cute special is the plethora of additional items and character customizations, offering players a chance to bring their superbly detailed anime-styled characters to life.

Unleashing Creativity through Character Creation

Playing Gacha Cute is an exercise in creativity. The game provides a veritable playground for character creation, with ten primary characters and 90 additional characters ready to be customized. Whether you prefer to tweak minor attributes such as eye color or hairstyle or delve into the nitty-gritty of body structure, face type, and clothing style, the sky is the limit. Moreover, with over 600 different poses available, the storytelling possibilities are virtually endless. 

Enhancing Gameplay through the Studio Mode

With Gacha Cute pushing the boundaries of a typical RPG, the inclusion of Studio Mode takes the game to another dimension altogether. The game's studio mode allows you to position up to ten characters on the screen, set against a variety of backgrounds. Create narratives with a narrator, and save up to 15 scenes for future play. Alongside, adding face presets efficiently changes your character’s facial expressions to suit your storyline.

Immense Customization Options 

A trait that sets Gacha Cute apart from its peers is the expansive range of customization options. From physical attributes to wardrobe selections, players can fine-tune almost every aspect of their characters. With over 100 pre-set anime characters and countless pieces of attire and accessories readily available, your journey to creating the perfect character is more accessible and enjoyable. 

Ups and Downs of Gacha Cute

Gacha Cute is a delightful game for anime enthusiasts and RPG lovers. It allows players to brainstorm, create, and narrate their stories using a fleet of characters. The creators routinely improve the game, with the latest version being Gacha Cute Update 1.1.0, unveiled on April 27, 2022. However, the game's intricate details and complex customizations may not appeal to certain players or younger audiences. 

In a Nutshell

In the final analysis, Gacha Cute successfully extends the boundaries of traditional RPGs, immersing players in an exceptional world of creativity, customization, and storytelling. While it is not recommended for younger children due to its comprehensive gameplay, others can enjoy the visually pleasing aspects and its captivating narrative capabilities. If you have an affinity for both anime and RPGs, Gacha Cute is undeniably worth a shot.


  • Comprehensive character customization
  • Robust Studio Mode feature
  • Consistent updates ensure improved gameplay


  • It may be overly complex for younger audiences
  • Limited language support (currently available in English only)
  • The game cannot be downloaded via the Google Play Store


Gacha Cute Gacha Cute